Associated Pile

Timber Pile Point

  • Model: T-9168

Timber pile points are a pyramid shape for protecting the bottom of the timber. Use a size that fully covers the pointed end of the pile. The points are produced from 3/16" or 1/4" thick steel.

Size: Sizes are available in 5"-10" & 9"-14".
Benefits: Easy attachment securing with (4) 10D nails. Protection while driving through difficult soil conditions or obstructions.
Steel Grade: Carbon Steel A1011 or higher strength grades.

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Timber Pile Boot

  • Model: T-8316

Timber piles can also benefit from protection by means of a flat boot. The trend to more powerful hammers and heavier design loading may mean that timber will be subjected to damaging blows as it hits obstructions or reaches end bearing. The boot covers the entire tip without pointing the pile and is available in different sizes. All that is required is slipping it on the pile and securing it with three nails.

Size: The boots are produced from 3/16" or 1/4" thick steel. The 8" boot is the most common stocking size.
Benefits: Easy attachment securing with three 10D nails. Protection while driving through difficult soil conditions or obstructions to end bearing.
Steel Grade: A1011 or Higher strength grades available.

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Timber Uplift Connector

  • Model: TC-7612

The galvanized uplift connector will provide tension capability between the timber piles and the concrete pile cap. Uplift anchors are ½" thick with 16" long threaded rod, washers & nuts. Available in 2 uplift anchor assemblies providing 6 tons uplift capacity or 4 uplift anchor assemblies providing 12 tons uplift capacity.

Benefits: Both the 2 and 4 anchor assemblies include the necessary galvanized hardware; threaded rod, washers & nuts.
Steel Grade: A36 Galvanized.

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Associated Pile & Fitting • P.O. Box 1264, 45 Samworth Road, Clifton, NJ 07012-1264