Associated Pile

To The Point

Our points are the originals. APF pioneered the field of effective H-pile point protectors. Our experience in the industry cannot be matched. The knowledge we have accumulated over the years qualifies us to cast ourselves in the role of experts. 

APF cast steel H-Pile Points are a good "insurance policy." For those with a vested interest in guaranteeing a reliable pile installation, APF points have become the rule rather than the exception. They protect not only the dependability of the installation, but also the interests of the owner and contractor in controlling costs. 

It has been proven that time and money are saved with the use of APF Cast Steel Points. Attachment is faster and easier than other methods of reinforcement. The protection provided by APF points is more dependable than other methods, giving the greatest assurance of driving undamaged piles. Having no bad piles means you avoid potentially redesigning and the costly interruption even one rejected pile can create. 

As stresses permitted on steel increase and design loads become heavier, it is more essential than ever that every pile reach bearing depth in good condition. Not long ago, typical working stresses were 6,000 psi. Now with the Federal Highway Administration requirement of 9,000 psi and many building codes setting the maximum at 12,000 psi, further increases are indicated. There is a trend toward wide acceptance of 18,000 psi working stress, fully 50 percent of the yield strength of ASTM A-36 steel. 

Often, damage incurred during pile driving cannot be detected form the surface. In fact, many times it is not even suspected. The pulling of test piles frequently brings up startling evidence of unpredicted failures in unprotected piles and even those reinforced by methods other than APF Cast Steel Points. Test piles driven and pulled under similar conditions with APF points demonstrates their unequaled reliability. 

In many situations where predrilling has been required, the use of cast steel H-pile points can avoid this costly and time-consuming extra step. The rugged APF points will cut through difficult strata allowing deep seating of the pile. 

Over the years, APF points have proven their worth. Consider all the attendant costs involved, beyond the price of the point itself. You will see that the cost-effective choice is APF Cast Steel H-Pile Points. 

For such good "insurance" the premium is a bargain. 

If you are driving H-piles, APF has a point that can save you trouble, time, and money. 

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Associated Pile & Fitting • P.O. Box 1264, 45 Samworth Road, Clifton, NJ 07012-1264