Associated Pile

New Hampshire D.O.T. H-Pile Point Test Results

The New Hampshire Department of Transportation conducted a comprehensive h-pile point test in Rochester, NH on April 17-18, 2008. The test involved driving and pulling a total of fifteen 12’’x 53# h-piles. There were 3 control piles driven without pile points, and twelve piles driven with four different h-pile point designs (three piles for each design). Associated Pile & Fitting’s 12” Hard-Bite Model 77600-B-30# 65/35 & PAR12T 65/35 was used for this test. All the piles were driven utilizing a pile driving monitoring device.

When all three control piles were pulled, it showed they sustained significant damage, even though the monitoring device registered no damage to the piles while driving. Also, one h-pile with the Versa-Steel – Portland, OR, Model VS312N attached, resulted in total pile failure. However, all 3 piles with APF pile points attached, completely protected the piles even under the most extreme driving stresses.

Over the past 60 years, APF h-pile points have been independently tested and also tested by various state and federal agencies proving their effectiveness to protect the pile while driving and provide a sound undamaged pile.

Specify the tested and proven h-pile points, specify APF points for your next project.

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Associated Pile & Fitting • P.O. Box 1264, 45 Samworth Road, Clifton, NJ 07012-1264